Superstitions Abound

The Boy’s grandparents have been to three straight games and he is quite coincidentally on a three game scoring streak.  I’ve been known to shout “don’t pass it to him” down from the stands on the occasions when his scoring touch has been less than deft – usually drawing chuckles from the dads and the ire of disapproving moms.  In any case, the first thing he said when he came out of the dressing room after a 3-2 victory last night was “Great.  Nana and papa have come to three games in a row and I’ve scored three games in a row. But now they’re leaving for Florida for six months and I’m screwed.”  He’ll probably get a couple more games with the elders in tow, but after that he’s on his own.  May have to tuck a photo of nana and papa in his bag or back pocket though in at least a symbolic attempt to placate the hockey gods. That or go searching for for that old rabbit’s foot. Failing that, playing hard, smart hockey is always a good fall back plan.


1 thought on “Superstitions Abound

  1. When you’re on a hot streak, all kinds of superstitions crop up. Whether it’s wearing your socks a certain way or some pre-game mix on your iPod that you just HAVE to listen to, we all have our quirks. I’m sure he’ll find a new good luck charm soon.

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