Hockey Dad’s Day Giveaway

Hey you, fellow Hockey Dad; time to give yourself a pat on the back for all you do for your kids in and out of hockey season, which for some never really ends. Or hey…you kids, moms or significant others…make sure you don’t forget about dear old Dad, hubby or your other half, this weekend. Praise this blessed, over-worked, under-paid soul for…

  • all the early morning drives to rinks in the middle of nowhere with or without the benefit of a GPS
  • the countless dollars spent on overpriced twigs even an eight year old can snap
  • the damage done to vocal cords during the course of a three-day, six-game tournament
  • the meals missed when running from the office through traffic, in the door, out the door and off to the arena over a hour away for a 7pm puck drop
  • the sleepless nights during league playoffs for those poor souls who decide coaching their kids would be a good idea too
  • the time he played poker and swilled whiskey until 5am, but then still managed to be on the ice for a 7am practice with 5 year olds who a had better sense of balance and grasp on reality (ok, perhaps not a commendable moment by some people’s standards)
  • the callouses formed from triple knotting skate laces at least a gazillion times
  • the frozen feet from standing in a sub-arctic barns run by diabolical ice makers

I think you all get the picture and can likely relate to most of these if you’ve been involved in minor, and particularly rep, hockey for any extended period of time. We hockey dads do our fair share of running around and heavy lifting.

McDonalds Canada supports youth hockeyMy friends at McDonalds Canada (and yes, I’ve visited them enough times over the years on the way to or from practices or games that I can confidently call them my friends, if not, my dear friends) have offered me a couple of $25 gift cards to share with my deserving readers. In order to snag one of these coveted plastic joy inducers/hunger abaters, you need only share in the comments below (in 100 words or less), why you, your Hockey Dad, Hockey Husband or Hockey Life Partner, is the Best Damn Hockey Dad there is. Come to think of it, I don’t even care if there is necessarily a hockey affiliation at all. Why don’t we just honour all Sports Dads in general. Any old flavour of Dad who is deserving will do. So let us know what makes you or yours special. If you’re too self-effacing, make sure you pass this to your kids.

The contest, open to Canadians only this time around, will close at 5pm on Father’s Day and I will do a random draw for two lucky winners shortly thereafter.

There is no doubt lots of good that can and should be said about your old man, so here’s your chance to do it, and maybe get a Big Mac and fries or a new McWrap for your efforts. I look forward to hearing about why you or your Dad’s the very best.


22 thoughts on “Hockey Dad’s Day Giveaway

  1. Because my Dad taught me to ride a bike and encouraged me to keep trying even though I fell really badly…twice.

  2. My dad is great because he has worked hard all of his life to provide my sister and I a better life than he was given. Plain and simple!

  3. My dad is the greatest, he’s sacrificed so much to support our family, rarely ever taking days off from work . Even when he was too tired he would always make time to drive and support me through the many extra curricular sports that I participated in. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. My husband grew up in Scotland. When he came to Canada he was eight years old. He joined hockey
    but gave up cause the younger kids were circling around him, it never killed his spirit from watchi ng
    The leafs. His son is eight years old and gave him all th courage he needed to go out on the ice and
    never give up like he did at that age. My husband got up this winter for our first season at many
    5:30 am for his son to learn our nations sport. My son is now skating like a champ and he an his
    father have now bonded over hockey. I as the wife/mother love watching their faces and reactions.
    That i my hockey husband.

  5. Daddy coaches us and he is awesome – Katie (8 years old)
    Daddy is the biggest and he takes care of us – Tristan (6 years old)
    Even though we are uprooting our lives and building a house while maintaining 2 jobs, my husband still finds time to coach baseball, ball hockey, novice rep, and assist with the Sr. Ip program.

  6. My dad was the best! He would drive me and my sister everywhere we wanted to go as teens. He went to all of my ballet practices and was sometimes the only parent there to watch the ballet dance group practices. He was always there when we needed help with our homework. I miss him so much. He died when I had just turned 19 years old and he was just 50. I miss him everyday.

  7. I”ve been arrested
    I use to do drugs
    I still do drugs
    I have unlimited potential with next to zero results
    I give him a hard time unecessarily from time to time
    Fuck up and most dads will give ya a second chance, my pops gives unlimited chances, he’s like a fucking game genie !
    He is without a doubt the most patient man alive, Buddhists should study him
    He never gives up and despite whatever may go wrong, he’s always optimistic.

    Some may say…. well.. if your such a fuck up, hasn’t he failed ? FUCK NO ! He has instilled every possible good value in me, I just misplaced them along the way.

    He is a great man and a textbook example of the perfect dad.

    PS. Don’t let Jessica near the hat

  8. I’ve been playing hockey for as long as I can remember and I can honestly say that my Dad has attended 95% of them. Whether he is sitting in the stands or behind the bench he always supports me and much to my dismay criticizes me. He is a large reason why I continue to play. Not to mention he’s quite fun at tournaments! The best Father a kid could ask for.

  9. Cause I was his little girl…
    He left me 19 years ago and I am sure he is the best Daddy Amgel ever!
    I only hope everyone treats their Daddy’s like they should be treated!
    Missing u Daddy

  10. My hubby for being involved with our boys hockey lives….for convening, for being a manager….but most importantly for being a dad who’s there, cheering them on, in good games and not so good…..but always remembering to keep his sense of humour ( as strange as it is)!

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