Great new Nike ad, which feels sorta like a plea to the pro hockey powers that be.
Tag Archives: hockey
I’m Dreaming of a Beauty Hockey Christmas
Having reached the front end of another frosty December, it’s time again to come up with a Yuletide wish list, assuming yours truly meets the demanding criteria necessary to stay off the naughty ledger, which itself may be a stretch. Ledgers aside, here are few requests, submitted for Saint Nick’s consideration whether he’s listening or not.
- A few pretty dangles, bar down snipes or top shelf lasers to wow the crowd and make dad proud.
- The parking spot closest to the front door for each and every arena we visit for the balance of the season cuz if you’re gonna dream…dream BIG!
- An unbreakable composite stick for da Boy – no further explanation required.
- Don Cherry’s Rock’Em, Sock’Em #whatevernumberthey’reupto. Every one to date has been worth a watch.
- A Tim Horton’s gift card of any denomination that suits his Kringlenesses’ fancy – pretty much a given ask for any Canadian hockey parent.
- A Gold Medal for Team Canada at the World Juniors to cap an annual holiday tradition of watching some of the best hockey you will ever see.
- A few friendly bounces of the puck over sticks, between pads or simply behind an unsuspecting goalie or two.
- A cloning machine so I can be in two rinks to watch two different games at the same time or perhaps a life-PVR so I can just go back and watch what I missed afterwards.
- A one or two Get Out of Jail Free Cards for use when a ref makes a particularly questionable call (as rarely as that may happen) and which I may use at my sole discretion.
- More wins than losses and more smiles than frowns in either order, though one generally has a way or influencing the other.
- Silver Stick/OMHA Championships for the Boy’s team and Lower Lakes/OWHA Trophies for the Devil and her mates. It’s my list and I can raise the bar as high as I damn well please. (Sorry Santa, I didn’t mean to use a cuss word.)
- A cessation of NHL labour news until after they actually settle the damn thing and just get back to playing hockey. How many times can you say, “There’s no progress to report.” I’ve actually said to many people I’d be happy going with a condensed regular season every year; assuming we still start in September.
- A wayback machine (as a complement to my cloning machine) to recapture a few more of the memorable moments either the Devil or the Boy has had on the ice over the past 12 years.
That’s my preliminary list, such as it is. Let me know what hockey items you might want to find under your tree or in your stocking?
Image courtesy of
Hockey Dad Gives Thanks
I meant to put together a list of hockey-related people, places and things for which I’m thankful when we were expressing our appreciation for such things here in the northern hockey homeland a little over a month ago, but never quite got around to it. So I’ll conveniently use the forthcoming US Thanksgiving Day holiday as the backdrop for my belated acknowledgments, when in fact I’m grateful for many of these things 24x7x365. In no particular order (though number one is admittedly placed there for a reason), I hereby submit that I must give thanks for:
- A Hockey Momma who not only puts up with, but supports and enjoys our sometimes crazy schedule, has developed an affection for standing behind the bench, considers wings and beer at a sports bar a night on the town and probably knows the rules of hockey better than most referees.
- and GPS systems. My thanks here are actually on behalf of my directionally challenged spouse. I’m still perplexed as to how you can drive to a location as a passenger more than once and not necessarily know how to get home from said location on your own should the need arise. Yup, I realize you gotta take the bad with the good.
- The fact that this is the first year the Boy has developed the physical capacity to break over-priced hockey sticks with a degree of regularity.
- The Devil, who despite being given opportunities to try dance, gymnastics, soccer and various other activities, just kept getting drawn back by the ice, the sticks and the pucks.
- Hockey equipment hand-me-downs from the Boy to the Devil.
- Employment and employers who’ve afforded me the ability to attend pretty much every significant hockey-related event that’s come up over the past 10+ years.
- The end of 6am practices (leftover thanks from about three years ago).
- The coaches, trainers, managers, referees, league officials and admin staff who have tirelessly volunteered their time in support of my kids and minor hockey in general.
- The opportunities I have had to be involved with both the Devil’s and the Boy’s teams in various capacities over the years. These experiences have generally benefited me at least as much as they have them.
- Having witnessed at least one short-handed goal in sudden-death overtime in one of my kid’s games that I can recall.
- Positive role models like Joe Sakic, Cassie Campbell, Sidney Crosby, Hayley Wickenheiser and Wayne Gretzky to name a few.
- A freshly cleaned sheet of ice before a practice or game. Better yet, a fresh, clear pond after the first spring thaw and freeze. Haven’t actually had a chance to appreciate the latter in a while, but I can remember skating on it like it was yesterday.
- Tim Hortons, McDonald’s and Wendy’s drive-thrus. Thankful for; though not particularly proud of and semi guilt-ridden about at times. You’re all welcome for the convenient links to store locators so you can join me in my guilt.
- The return of the Winnipeg Jets to their rightful place in the NHL. Not the first or likely the last time I’ll pledge my allegiance to the team I grew up with.
- The smell of hard work that is an open hockey bag or recently occupied dressing room. Yes, I realize I have few cohorts for this one and likely none who are female or more specifically mothers.
- The tradition of shaking hands and saying “Good game!” or “Good Luck!” after a hard-fought game or series.
- Grandparents, friends and neighbours who’ve showed up at games announced or otherwise to provide an extra bit of incentive for the kids to shine, who have always darted quick, but noticeable glances up into the stands.
- The literally thousands of smiles I’ve witnessed on hundreds of faces, in hundreds of games and practices over 12+ years because of goals scored, passes made, jokes told or simply experiences shared. Each one enough reason for gratitude on its own.
- A few lasting friendships Momma and I have made and kept through the game; which may not have happened otherwise.
- The multitude of memories this great game and my kids have given me; most of which I’ve tried to recall here over the past couple of years.
- Back to the Boy and the Devil who’ve both developed a respect for the game, their coaches and their teammates. I suppose Momma and I can take at least partial credit for this one.
This is far from a definitive list but I hear the orchestra reminding me my time is up and I think I see Kanye West running up the driveway, so I welcome anyone to chime in with their own thankful thoughts before or after you’re stuffed with stuffing. Who or what in this great game has provided a positive influence or exemplary experience for which you are sincerely grateful?
Hockey Turkey image courtesy of
Sometimes Ya Gotta Lose to Win
The Sharks continued their strong league play as they faced one of their toughest foes to date a few days ago. Their opponent came into their match undefeated and trailing them in the standings only by virtue of having played fewer games. A quick look at the standings revealed only two goals against in their first five games….a test for our ladies to be sure. Our side was thankfully up to the challenge turning in probably their best performance to date in a rough and tumble affair. The referee for this particular game was someone I had not seen before and I was told he had only just started officiating girls hockey after having spent 10+ years reffing Jr. A boys games. It seemed as the game went on that he may have thought he was still reffing those older lads as his whistle never parted his lips to flag down what were a couple of the biggest hits I’ve seen all year. The girls’ game, of course, does not allow body checking, but this referee was letting pretty much everything go. In facing a slightly larger team, it would not have been surprising to see the Sharks back down. Instead they fought through to a 5-2 win – more than doubling their surprised opponents’ goals against on the year. And so they solidified their early season hold on the number one position in the league with a couple of teams on their tail with games in hand.
The success they had in the league game bode well for an anticipated strong showing in their home tourney, Sharkfest, this weekend. A quick check of their schedule revealed three teams ranked in the middle of their respective divisions; three teams you’d our side would presumably be able to excel against.
However, game one, though closely fought, ended with the Sharks on the short end of a 1-0 loss with the winning goal being scored on a late powerplay; the result of a retaliatory penalty. As is too often the case, one of the Devil’s teammates responded to a punch in the head with a shot of her own. The referee apparently only saw the latter.
In game two the next morning, the girls struck quickly, apparently sensing the need for a victory in a three-game round robin format. They dominated play for the first half of the game, scored two quick goals and carried the two-point cushion into the final frame. Unfortunately, their killer instinct seemed to give way to some lackadaisical play half-way through the second. A goal partway into the third cut the lead to one, which then evaporated to nil when an errant pass in the defensive zone found an opponents stick and the back of the good guys’ goal shortly thereafter. A 2-2 tie would demand a victory in the final match.
Between games two and three, Devil would require a visit to a clinic to check on a wonky, swelled-up knee, which had her hobbling around pretty good. Prospects for her participation in game three, only a few hours later, did not look good. The doc decided there was no major damage; prescribing ice and rest. Three hours later she would wrap it up and suck it up for an hour to help her mates. We’d have been fine had she decided to heed the good physician’s advice, but we followed her lead. Must get her toughness from her Momma.
Unfortunately, the girls would find out just before taking to the ice for their third challenge that even a win would not be enough to advance to the playoff round. The goal for the last skate of the weekend would be to simply salvage a winning record at 1-1-1. But this game would go much the same as the ones before it and end the same way game one did, with a 1-0 score in the wrong direction. This was not the team’s weekend; leaving the coaching staff and a few other onlookers a little bedeviled after having witnessed such an impressive showing only a few days prior. In the squad’s defence, they were two players short; one lost to concussion and the other to a wonky wrist. Further, though they have demonstrated a higher level of play, they did compete in three one-goal games. The goaltenders, as all three scores attest, played very well; more than giving their teammates the opportunity to compete and win.
The team now has four practices to work out some apparent kinks before their next league game. In the grand scheme of things, if you are going to have some stinker games, as the girls collaborated on this weekend, a tournament is the best time to have them. Would have been nice not to do it in the home tournament, but no matter. These games will presumably allow the coaches to reinforce the need to give full effort in each and every game; to not underestimate any opponent. A few hard skating practices are likely in order as well.
I and I think many believe in order to win the big games, you have to lose a few along the way. Champions across all sports have proved this time and time again. Of course last year, my own team took a whole regular season of losing and turned it into a successful playoff run; not that I would necessarily recommend this as a preferred approach.
In a week’s time and thereafter, we’ll see how the Sharks respond to this bit of adversity. Good teams, which this group feels like early on, generally come back with renewed focus and determination. Get focused, get better ladies.
Big Kid Playing Peewee Hockey in the Big Nickel
Music City Midget Major Hockey Marathon
The Boy and I, along with 17 teammates, sundry parents, siblings and even a couple of grandparents in tow, embarked on what was sure to be a memorable journey to the hotbed of country music for the Nashville Fall Classic. Our enthusiasm tempered only by the absence of our Hockey Momma who had to stay behind with work and the Devil’s hockey commitments.
We met a slightly bleary-eyed crew for a midnight Tuesday departure. Most, if not all, were fuelled by the excitement of the trip ahead as we jammed suitcases, hockey bags, pillows, blankets, bags o’ snacks and refreshment-laden coolers into a waiting bus. A 15 hour bus ride pretty much mandates the inclusion of the final item on the list and more than a couple of us would make sure we took full advantage of their presence. As has been stated here previously, a significant portion of all tournaments should be focused on parental enjoyment. There would be plenty more opportunity for the same over the next five days.
With the tourney starting on Friday, the coaching staff’s well-constructed plan was to arrive in Nashville (or more specifically the suburb of Franklin, Tennessee) early to give the team a chance to experience the Music City and get acclimated to their new surroundings well in advance of their first game. We would all have the better part of two days to take in the sites, sounds and eats of Kentucky. Much of this, you will note, has little to do with hockey, but the experiences this hockey tournament afforded our Boys will last them a lifetime, as away tournaments have so often been wont to do.
After the night-long journey, which for most included little, if any, sleep we were free to check in to our hotel, grab a snooze, some dinner and whatever else we wanted to do with our evening. Most of the Boys retired to rooms while several of us gravitated towards the hotel lobby bar. A coincidental, Canadian song singing lounge act and a few local brews kept us entertained beyond the midnight hour.
Our itinerary for day two took us into Nashville on the same days as the Country Music Awards for two spectacular meals, self-guided tours of the local country bars, shopping and even some line-dancing lessons.
Our first stop, Bro’s Cajun Cuisine, (featured on FoodTV’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives) was one of the highlights of the trip for me, though others to come would certainly rival it. My only disappointment was being limited to one appetizer (Spicy Catfish Bites), one entrée (a mouth-watering Crawfish PoBoy) and a few libations (served in a tin bucket – “Ohhh those bad buckets” as one father was oft heard saying) only due to the capacity of my stomach. Had the opportunity presented itself, I would have gladly stayed and tried each menu item in due course. Prior to leaving this temple of exceptional eats, the team presented the proprietor, Darrell Breaux, with a jersey signed by each player for which he was visibly grateful.
After lunch, we headed downtown. Most everyone, including the players, went off in all directions to see what they could see and do. A couple of hours and a few bars in my bar-hopping partner and I bumped into the Boy who had already acquired a cowboy hat and was raving about all of the live music he’d encountered. His relatively sheltered suburban life to this point had not exposed him to live musicians, taking requests and playing for tips or, more importantly, exposure. He had quickly developed an appreciation for the whole scene. Now, I’m not what you’d call a Country music fan, though I readily admit listening to a lot of Western, Folk and Blues inspired bands. I likewise found myself gladly immersed in the atmosphere and spirit of the city.
Next stop, the Wild Horse Saloon for a Bronco Buster Buffet, the aforementioned line-dancing lessons and more general merriment. We were scheduled to leave at 10pm, but after two large meals and full day’s worth of bar…I mean…sight seeing, it was decided that a 9:30 departure made sense for some revelers and the players who would be hitting the ice for their first game on Friday. Of course, back at the hotel, a few more late-night parental hijinks would ensue.
The next morning appeared to come early for some as we gathered in the lobby to head out for the last of our planned team meals. Puckett’s Grocery in eclectic downtown Franklin provided an opportunity to try more traditional southern fare including pulled pork, fried catfish or chicken, sides of fries, beans, onion rings or mashed potatoes with a lemonade or sweet tea. Maybe not the best pre-game meal, but what the hell. Our finely tuned athletes would just have to work it off.
Following our couple of touristy days, it was time for the team to get down to business against a highly touted local high school team. By all accounts, they had been at the top of their division for the last three years running and generally manhandled all of their opponents. From previous experience over the years, you never know what level of competition you will run into when you venture into the US or play a team from there. What our boys initially encountered was an aggressive, hitting team. To their credit, the players took the body checks (some of which were of the elevated variety) in stride. They stuck instead to a speed and puck-control oriented game to eventually wear down their opponents in a 6-1 win. Another mom and I competed to keep Hockey Momma informed and somewhat part of the experience with rapid-fire texts. The host team was noticeably shaken, shocked or disappointed by this unfamiliar situation. Our guys left the ice with decided Canadian hockey swagger, which bode well for them moving into two more round robin games on Saturday.
Before we could get to Saturday, we had to have a Friday night post-game celebration. Well, maybe we didn’t have to, but we were certainly going to. Many of us landed in a raucous wing joint, which in time featured one of the best live 80s bands any of us had ever encountered. The Boys, who followed along for the wings, chose to disagree with our assessment of the on-stage talent and left us to enjoy the retro tunes. Suffice it to say, some (yours truly included) took full advantage of the Boys’ absence to let their hair down on the dance floor. Ohhh, those bad buckets!
Saturday would find the squad returning to the ice against teams from Atlanta and Kentucky. The Atlanta team was said to be a AAA team with players a year older than ours, while the Kentucky group apparently represented the entire neighbouring state; facts which again could be taken as good or bad. Regardless the opponents, the team came out with all cylinders firing. They brought a combination of speed, patience and teamwork to both games, thereby securing 3-0 and 4-0 back-to-back shutout wins for a first place round robin finish and a rematch in the semi-finals against their game one opponent from Ravenwood. Watching the two Saturday games somewhat anonymously from the sidelines, I could overhear reverent comments from American onlookers like “That’s the team from Canada.” There was some buzz in the air about how the team was playing. Our final round robin game started at 10:00pm on Saturday so post-game was pretty tame for Boys and parents alike. Semis and a Championship game were calling on Sunday.
The on and off-ice events of our final day in Tennessee probably deserve a post of their own, but I’ll do my best to summarize here.
Game day started like any other with breakfast in the hotel lobby. The team would then load up and make their way to the rink an hour early as they had for previous games. The bus would then come back to the hotel where we would be checking out and loading up for the eventual 15-hour drive back to the homeland (which no one was looking forward to). However, shortly after the bus departed we received a message saying the bus had broken down….on a Sunday morning….in Tennessee. Prospects for fixing a bus….on a Sunday morning…in Tennessee…were not the brightest. Moods were understandably shaken.
In the short term, without wheels, parents and siblings were forced to march 20 minutes to the rink; arriving just in time for the puck drop in the semi-final game.
Within four minutes of the game starting, moods were buoyed by a 3-0 lead for the good guys. The Colts had definitely come to play. Their determination to win and send a message to their championship opponent resulted in a 9-0 final. We’d find out shortly thereafter the last opponent of the tournament would be the “other team from Canada” who snuck out a 3-2 win over Atlanta.
Almost miraculously…on a Sunday morning…in Tennessee, our driver was able to get the bus back up and running cueing a giant, combined sigh of relief. The players were virtually unaffected by the whole bus drama.
The few hours of waiting for the gold medal match were spent between a mall food court and the bus where many of the players snoozed or otherwise bided their time in quiet anticipation.
Entering the last match of the weekend, we were all aware of the fact we would be playing a relatively local Canadian, albeit lower level, opponent. The coaching staff no doubt told their charges to take nothing for granted. The good guys would open the scoring to set the tone for the game. Yet it would be a back and forth affair for much of the first two periods with our side getting the balance of scoring opportunities. The game was still relatively close at 3-1 entering the third period.
Then events took another fateful turn as an opposing player launched a puck up over the boards at our bench. The puck ricocheted up off the back wall then found its way to the top of the head of one of the assistant coaches. The trainer, along with several others, rushed the coach and his now blood-gushing cranium to the dressing room. After the application of pressure and several towels, it was quickly decided that medical attention was required. A local gentleman, with whom I had just been chatting and who had too coincidentally been instructing his young son who was manning the penalty box to beware of flying pucks, was good enough to drive our unlucky brother to the nearest Emergency Room. You can probably sense where this is going.
Back on the ice, the team took care of business in the third, capturing the Championship trophy with a 7-2 victory. Medals were presented, the trophy/plaque was handed over, onlookers applauded and many pictures were snapped to preserve the moment in time. This group of young men had represented themselves, their hometown and in a small way good old Canadian hockey very admirably. In fact, we’ve since heard from tournament officials this team was indeed considered the “toast” of the tourney for their classy, sportsmanlike play. This is really something you hope and love to hear as a parent; no matter the age of your kids, though particularly as they enter adulthood. Some validation of proper parenting methinks.
Now we, of course, had one last piece of unfinished business to take care of before we could hit the road for home. It involved hanging in and out of the local ER as we waited for our fallen comrade. As with any ER, the wait was longer than anyone wanted it to be, though we all wanted to be sure coach was fit for travel. About four hours and eight stitches later, the coach boarded the coach with a fully-bandaged noggin. Once everyone knew he was okay, concern turned to playful ribbing. If only he’d paid more attention to the game and less to his blackberry. While my trip home was pretty uncomfortable, I’m sure his was even more so.
On the road home, some of us were a little concerned about our driver’s ability to stay awake and alert having been up since Sunday morning… Tennessee and having to still be up…in the middle of the night…through Tennessee, Ohio and a wee bit o’ Michigan. He held on with the help of some conversation from the front seats. After a driver change just across the US border, we were delivered safely back home with a bucket full of stories to tell share with those who had not been as fortunate as us to have had the experience. Hockey Momma was surely left owed with an upcoming trip to Sudbury a pale consolation.
I’ve likely missed a fair share of stories or personal memories others took away via their own perspective. I welcome your comments should you happen upon my faint and biased recollections here.
For me, the full value of the weekend bore itself out when the Boy remarked to me when we were alone on Friday night, before he’d played a single game “Thanks Dad. This is the best hockey trip we’ve ever been on.” I believe there were 17 other grateful young men who owe a debt of gratitude to those who organized an unforgettable hockey adventure.
Colts Win in Music City
Just a coupla pics for now….more to come from our Tennessee hockey, food and frivolous adventures to come!
- Colts take the Nashvlle Fall Classic in Dominant Fashion
- Congrats the Boy and mates!
- Yup, there’s a story behind why we had to photoshop in a coach after the big Championship win….stay tuned.
Right now I must sleep off the effects of a 15 hour bus ride.
Off to a Quick, but Not Necessarily Fast, Start
It seems like the tryouts for the Boy’s team just ended, but here we are two weeks and five games into the regular season already with a game and a minimum four-game tournament on the sked this week.
One problem with Fall tryouts is little time remains for the newly picked team to get its combined legs and to get re-acquainted with each other. In this team’s case they have something of an advantage with many of them having played together last year. However, post-tryouts they only got one team practice in before having to play their first match. Or at least most of them played their first match. The Boy had to sit game one out due to a one-game suspension left over from his over-zealous defence of a teammate in the last game of last season. One of his teammates was in a similar albeit slight larger boat with a four-gamer of his own. So the Boy and mom drove a bit over an hour to watch his new teammates skate to a 3-3 tie in what was reportedly a chippy season intro with a whole whack of penalties – par for the course in many testosterone-filled Midget games. The Devil and I stayed behind to get her to a practice; a fairly common occurrence.
I did get to witness game two, in which the Boy would make his 2012-13 season debut; at least until his skate blade snapped in half. Yup, a few shifts into the contest he went hard into the end boards with a foe. He rose awkwardly and had noticeable difficulty getting back to the bench. He appeared to have injured his foot/knee/leg as he wasn’t able to put any weight on the other. But then I saw mom/trainer waiving something frantically in the air. Turns out it was half his blade. Seemed like his first game would be a short one. But then his suspended teammate came to his rescue, pulling a pair of newly sharpened skates from the back seat of his car. Now they were a little small and a little narrow, leaving the Boy with pretty sore post-game feet, but he did get the final two periods of the game in. Unfortunately, the team would end up on the wrong end of a 4-2 score in a hard fought game.
A few days later the Boys would find themselves winless in three on the road as they came out a little flat and fell by two again in a 3-1 game. They all seemed a little tired and in need of a regroup. The coaching staff would no doubt welcome the second practice of the year. 0-2-1 is no need to panic, but in a relatively short season you don’t want to have too many lulls; and particularly not right off the hop. You’d no doubt prefer to set a winning tone.
Game four saw the team return to the scene of game one with most expecting another raucous affair. And raucous it was, b0th on the ice and in the stands. Before the game began, the rink was inundated by several (upwards of 50) boisterous teenagers. Apparently the Midget AA game is a big attraction in this particular town on a Wednesday (yup Wednesday) night. The visiting Colts would prevail for their first victory through what was a rough and quite poorly officiated meeting with catcalls and even a water bottle being hurled by one of the teen onlookers in the stands. As the game neared its end, one of our team’s parents verbally expressed his frustration with what he witnessed on the ice. A suspended player from the opposing team who happened to be within earshot took exception to the remarks, approached and shoved the parent. Tensions rose. Local parents actually needed to intervene; stepping between the large, advancing group of teens and our parent group. The crowd young crowd dispersed, but didn’t leave the arena; prompting a call to the authorities. We found out shortly thereafter that much the same drama had ensued at this team’s last home game. Police had likewise been dispatched. We’re all pretty happy there isn’t likely going to be another trip to that rink this season.
However, the next game, the first home game, would be a third meeting with the very same opponent against whom the Boys should have by now developed some confidence. Some fireworks were anticipated following the last penalty-fest. Only this time, the game was played on a much larger ice surface where our guys would have much more room to move. Our quicker side, having worked in another practice to gel a little more, were too much for the visitors. Win number two on the season would come via a 5-1 count.
Winless in three has given way to undefeated in two. The team can carry some all important momentum into their next tilt against what will certainly be a tougher opponent; one the Boy is particularly fond of facing as it includes one of his best friends – a game where bragging rights in addition to positions in the season standings are up for grabs.
The regular season begins for the Devil in four sleeps with three games in three days; though she will be favouring a previously booked Mariana’s Trench concert over Game One. Such are the priorities of a teenage girl and a certain Dad who bought the tickets for her birthday on the off chance there wouldn’t be a conflict (off chance indeed).
Only a few weeks in and like every other year, the stories just keep telling themselves. There’s rarely a dull moment on or off the ice.
Early Bird Gets the Puck
The Devil’s team played in an early bird tournament last weekend as a warm up for the regular season and to get a sense of what level they are at in relation to other teams. Her coach has said he has high expectations for this group. They had already competed well in two exhibition tilts which ended in a 2-1 loss and a 4-4 tie. There’s always plenty to work on in the pre-season; like simply getting to know each other, a challenge on a Midget girls team exacerbated by a three year age difference. For instance, our first year girls were struck by the fact one of their teammates is finished high school. Now, she apparently completed her schooling in the UK over the Summer, but regarless….she is no longer in high school. Alarming to those who still have three years left. Though, from afar, this team does seem to have a bunch of players who are getting along.
Game one of the tournament was at 7:30 on a Friday night, not ideal after a full school day (which for some reason the Devil was able to weasel her way out of with the excuse of having to rest up for her game – mom’s decision, not mine) and an hour long car ride. But the visitors (i.e. the Devil’s squad) came out like gangbusters. They held the balance of play for most of the contest. A 3-1 final could have just as easily been 7-1 if not for some good goaltending at the other end. A pretty good start to say the least. After leaving the rink around 9:30, grabbing a couple of Harvey’s chicken strip combos at the Drive-Thru and dropping off a teammate, the Devil hit the hay around 11:30 with a 7am wake up call to head back down for games 2 and 3.
7am came early, as anticipated, but a 9:30 game requires being at the rink by 8:30 and the drive was just over an hour. The next opponent looked to be a bigger team. Once the game got going this proved to be the case. The Devil found that out all too well when she was met in the crease by a punch to the head towards the middle of the third period. The girls were also up against some bad fortune as a puck found its way under our goalie early in the game. The referee, who wasn’t well positioned back near the red line (i.e. centre ice) blew the play dead. But when he and the linesmen arrived at the net they found the puck in it and decided to declare a goal for the opponents. A little later on in the game, following a scramble in front of the other team’s net, one of the Devil’s teammates was able to jam a puck in, but this time the same referee was not so accommodating in ruling No Goal. Long story short, the game ended with the Sharks on the wrong end of a 2-0 score.
With a big tournament and several divisions, the scheduling can be a little uneven and such was the case this weekend as our next game was at 5:30pm meaning we had five hours to kill before the girls needed to be back at the rink. Going home was not really an option as that would involve two and a half hours in the car. And so we started with an extended two hour lunch. Some girls then decided to go shopping while some fathers, yours truly included, decided to simply hang back in the the next arenas parking lot; enjoying the nice end of Summer weather and a couple of beverages. Having no regular coaching duties this season, I look forward to some of the friendly tailgating I missed last year.
The Sharks 1-1 record meant they would need to win game three in order to advance to the playoff round of the tournament. Game three was a back and forth affair, which saw our side take a 4-3 lead in the third period. Also needing a win, the opposing coach opted to pull his goalie with a minute and half left in the game. At about the 30 second mark, one of our players broke out of the defensive zone with the puck and looked up to see the empty net. The heat of the moment grabbed her and she shot the puck towards the net before hitting the red line. The puck sailed wide which led to a whistle for icing; creating a face-off to the right of our goaltender with 23 seconds to go. That fateful faceoff was the Sharks undoing as a quick draw led to a quick shot, which found its way past our unsuspecting keeper. We would find out shortly thereafter a tie was not quite good enough to advance (in fact the girls missed in a tiebreaker by a single goal to the team they had just tied). The upside was we would not have to come back tomorrow. The downside was a meaningless consolation game at 9:30pm, a full 12 hours after their first game of the day – not a great recipe for success.
More than half the team decided to try what looked to be a nice new steak joint; while the Devil, Hockey Momma and I were gracefully treated to dinner at another local restaurant by momma’s uncle and aunt who lived relatively close by and came to see game three. It turned out we made the better choice as the rest of the team waited for over two hours and didn’t actually get to eat. Seems the steak joint was not prepared for the onslaught of a girls hockey tournament…seriously?
So, you can likely guess the type of game that transpired after 12 hours, no dinner for most and nothing to really play for. The girls didn’t give up by any means, but had little left in the tank in a 5-2 loss against a team they’d compete much better against with fresher legs and spirits. Everyone was pretty much ready to call it a day before the game even started.
An early bird tourney holding some initial promise from game one took a decided turn for the worse. Yet, it was not without purpose or meaning as the girls on the still relatively new team got to know each other a little better through some trying circumstances and the coaching staff no doubt picked up on some stuff they need to work on. This is why you enter these tournaments. A hard day’s worth of games and some adversity will no doubt pay dividends down the road. The girls have a few more pre-season games and a handful of practices to prepare for a regular season just around the corner. There was lots of good stuff mixed in with the bad last weekend; plenty to look forward to with the right guidance and, as always, a bit o’ help from the hockey gods.
On Frozen Pond

To be shot and to score.