The Top 10 things every hockey fan must do in their lifetime | The Hockey News
Just in time for Xmas a Hockey Dad bucket list, if you will.
The Top 10 things every hockey fan must do in their lifetime | The Hockey News
Just in time for Xmas a Hockey Dad bucket list, if you will.
Black & Blue | By Patrick O’Sullivan
Patrick O’Sullivan demonstrates a ton of courage in writing this article and his newly released book detailing one of the worst hockey dads you can imagine. Hoping similar offenders out there read this and see the otherwise obvious errors of their ways.
More Canadian families spending on kids’ hockey than saving for school: survey
What say you? Is spending $ for your kids to play hockey worth it or not? You can guess my answer.
Arena readiness: A parent’s guide to surviving minor hockey
Some good tips/advice here for those new to the hockey experience.
BarDown: Every hockey parent needs to watch this ‘Hockey Helper Helmet’ parody video
Awesome video. Cuz ya know “when there’s tears it’s too late for cheers.”
Ten-year-old signed to NHL due to parents’ coaching from stands
Hey fellow hockey dads and moms, there is still a chance for your kids if you just put in a little more effort (he says, with tongue planted firmly in cheek).
Proceed with caution and/or plenty of support. Also know there will undoubtedly be blowback. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction (equal if you’re lucky).
Hockey as a Second Language | When in Doubt, Glass and Out
If you have a kid entering or in the game, you better get a handle on the lingo. Jamie provides a great list of common and not-so common words and phrases sure to be uttered by your hockey player at some point during their career. Get ready for “Hey Dad (or Mom), did ya see the beauty dangles then sauce me a pass for a clapper that I put bardown?” As long as your kid’s not a duster, you’re likely to be hearing this and other fancy quips a bit.
On the importance to Hockey Moms to raising exceptional athletes and people. Like there was any question from us hockey dads?
5 things you should do, 6 you shouldn’t | Active For Life
Great list of Dos and Don’ts for hockey and sports parents in general. I especially like “Don’t fixate on a single sport,” which I’ve echoed many times in the past. Develop well-rounded athletes, not burned out hockey robots.